Born in Kabul, Afghanistan, in 1987, Maihan Saeedi’s early life was marked by academic excellence and a deep commitment to his country’s future. His pursuit of higher education in international relations from Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi led him to a flourishing career at the Afghan Foreign Ministry. Everything changed on August 15, 2021, when the Afghan government collapsed, and Maihan was forced to flee his homeland, becoming a refugee in the United States.

Stepping into a new country for the first time creates a culture shock many of us will never experience in our lifetime. Add in the loss of family, belongings, a career and maybe most importantly, a place to call home, and you can begin to understand the long road refugees face.

In Orlando, Maihan and his family found temporary refuge after their unexpected journey with his uncle. From there, they moved to Tampa, where they found help from LSF. Maihan learned of LSF’s crucial position in assisting refugees, as he received services to help get him back on his feet. His caseworker, also from Afghanistan, provided a comforting familiarity during this turbulent time and offered Maihan both a soft spot to land, and hope for a brighter future.

Overwhelmed with an influx of refugees from Afghanistan, LSF urgently needed staff who understood the culture and language of the growing population. Recognizing Maihan’s impressive background and dedication, LSF offered him a position within the organization. In January 2022, Maihan and a friend moved to Fort Myers to start their new roles.

Maihan’s work initially focused on assisting Afghan refugees, but his responsibilities soon expanded to help all refugees through the resettlement program. His firsthand experience as a refugee made him an empathetic and effective case manager, deeply committed to supporting others in their resettlement journey. “When you work in refugee services, you’re personally involved because it involves emotions,” Maihan explained. “You go home at night and think about these people who just arrived and you think of their problems. I’ve experienced that myself.”

A crucial part of Maihan’s resettlement story involves the support he received from Andres Lara, a successful entrepreneur who manages a rental and property business in Fort Myers. Andres, himself a former refugee, understands the immense challenges refugees face and is deeply committed to supporting their resettlement.

When Maihan and his family moved to Fort Myers, Andres helped them secure housing through his property management company. Prior to Andres, Maihan was met with lots of roadblocks in the renting process. This assistance provided Maihan with a stable foundation, giving him breathing room to focus on his new role at LSF and fully dedicate himself to helping other refugees. By allowing him to rent a house, Andres gave Maihan the opportunity to create a home here in Florida.

Andres’s support did not end with housing. He continues to encourage his network of advisors and investors to rent properties to refugee families, believing that the initial support provided by organizations like LSF is vital for refugees to transition smoothly into their new lives and eventually contribute positively to society.

Through the combined efforts of LSF and supporters like Andres, Maihan has been able to rebuild his life and make a significant impact on his community. Both Maihan and Andres exemplify the profound impact that LSF has on the lives of refugees. “I definitely will continue to encourage our investors and partners to rent to families associated with LSF,” Andres said. “It’s a win-win for them, the program, and the families.”

Their stories highlight the importance of providing support and opportunities to those fleeing adversity, allowing them to rebuild their lives and contribute meaningfully to their new communities. Through their resilience and dedication, Maihan and Andres inspire us all to embrace hope and extend a helping hand to those in need.