Faith Lutheran Church
Sebring, FL
Pastor Rev. Robert Maulella

Bob and Louise are all-around servants. They were frequently seen together, God’s dynamic duo. Bob helps in the weekly Food Ministry by shopping, then using his truck to bring items back to church and store them for distribution two days later. He will also pick up bread/pastries from Publix for distribution. Bob can fix almost anything. He also runs the cameras for livestreaming on Sundays, and installed a camera on our lighted sign so that we could change it from inside the building! He is a computer operator for Sundays or Wednesday Eves. Bob & Louise faithfully attend Bible Classes. Bob is not afraid to tackle any tech issue. Bob served as Property Director on the Board for many years. He picks up McDonald’s left-overs for our Food Distribution as well. He & Louise are great blessings to the church & school. They served together on the School Board for many years, served at Fellowship Events, and built sets for VBS! They are known for their famous “Fritze brownies.” Unfortunately, Louise passed away about a year ago. Bob & Louise are True servants of the Lord! Bob & Louise are amazing
and we love them very much!!!