Zetta has been a member of Hope Lutheran Church for many years. She does not have the word “no” in her vocabulary. Her service to our church has been exemplary. She served on the worship committee, the church council, and stepped up to be treasurer recently when no one else would volunteer. She is responsible for setting up monthly pancake breakfasts for the community as well as a Thanksgiving dinner for anyone in the city who wants to come. She has taught Sunday School, chaired Altar Guild, Hospitality Committee. You name it…she does it! In the community at large, she has served for the past several years as Guardian Ad litem to many children, belongs and is very active in the local and state Garden Federations, working as a camp counselor, as well as being active in her home community, hosting events and plays.
All that aside… This is the reason we nominate her for the Good Samaritan Award: One morning, our church received a call from a pastor in Pennsylvania who communicated that a member of his congregation was in Daytona and found she could not find a hotel room as it was Bike Week. The previous month, the couple had been vacationing but their prearranged hotel stay had ended. Her husband had become very ill and was hospitalized with a severe illness. Zetta, who was a new widow at the time, immediately, without any questions, offered up her home to this woman in need. Zetta hosted this lady for a few months until her husband became well. They became great friends.