Iglesia Luterana San Pablo Apóstol
Miami, FL
Pastor William Sielk

Marvin is a great asset to the congregation and the community at large. He currently is the president of the congregation. He is studying online at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis to become an ordained pastor. Thanks be to God. The Miami Hispanic population is increasing at the same time the Lutheran church presence is diminishing. He is leading Bible Study, prayer services and worship services. He is prayerfully lifted up by his wife Lidia and their daughter. The congregation is blessed for all the activities he has developed for our church. He organized an Easter evangelism activity for the church and invited the local community. With his energy and devotion to God’s eternal word we are blessed to have him. For his love of his Savior, Jesus Christ, our church La Iglesia Evangélica Luterana San Pablo Apóstol is, with much agape, proudly nominating Marvin as our Good Samaritan for 2023-2024.