Jeffery Lowman, “Jeff “, has been involved with St. Paul since the 8th grade, and as an active adult member for 14 years. He and his wife Serena, with their lovely daughters Emma and Sophia, and their son, Aiden, have joined us in worship, service, and celebration events. Jeff has helped the church in the setup, implementation and running of our audiovisual systems, which are a true blessing in enhancing our collective worship here at St. Paul. He has also donated on numerous occasions in projects having to do with up-keep of our facilities, the school building, and other necessary enhancements to our property. He has been invaluable in offering expert advice in matters of fire and construction codes, future development of our facilities, and integration of our office digital systems and communication means. Jeffery is invariably willing to help when help is required, as well as able to minister in spiritual terms as the situation arises. We have witnessed the ease with which he relates to all kinds of people, and how he interweaves the lessons of the Gospel of Christ to whatever project he is engage in. All this in natural and in very friendly terms. We are happy and proud to nominate Jeff Lowman as our Good Samaritan for 2023-2024. We are thankful for the many positive roles he plays in our congregation and for his enthusiasm, spirit of service, and Christian fellowship.